Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tag's first show

I took Tag to his first little show over the weekend. It was one of the DVCTA schooling shows at nearby Springdale Farm. James Dwyer was kind enough to drive me (and serve as my support person for the afternoon). Tag loaded uneventfully (first trip off the farm since arriving in early April). He unloaded quietly and stood while I tacked him up and then warmed up at the end of the indoor totally quietly (in fact, it was hard to get him sufficiently forward. Given that it was over 90 degrees, this may have been unsurprising). We did Intro tests A and B as I still don't trust his canter sufficiently to be willing to exhibit it in public, but he was a star. The judge commented on how obedient and correct he was and he scored a 67.0% on A and a 67.5% on B, gathering a 3rd and a 2nd place ribbon. More impressive, was how quiet and matter of fact he was about the whole thing. No drama at all. In between tests, we went for a hack around the property, during which he was also quiet and happy to go wherever I pointed him. Definitely thinking about more shows with him, need to get the jumping in hand so we can start eventing. What a good boy!

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